Notice Board :

Call for Paper
Vol. 5 Issue 10

Submission Start Date:
Oct 01, 2024

Acceptence Notification Start:
Oct 10, 2024

Submission End:
Oct 25, 2024

Final MenuScript Due:
Oct 30, 2024

Publication Date:
Oct 30, 2024
                         Notice Board: Call for PaperVol. 5 Issue 10      Submission Start Date: Oct 01, 2024      Acceptence Notification Start: Oct 10, 2024      Submission End: Oct 25, 2024      Final MenuScript Due: Oct 30, 2024      Publication Date: Oct 30, 2024

Volume III Issue IX

Author Name
Neeraj Singh
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 9
Due to the social and economic vulnerability of tribal inhabitants, patterns and trends in tribal areas are necessary to track local epidemics and evaluate how well public health initiatives are working to prevent and manage disease. This led us to evaluate the health state and morbidity pattern of the Bhopal population, both tribal and non-tribal. 33 tribal hamlets in the forest areas of Bhopal were the subject of a cross-sectional study. Materials and Procedures 18 tribal hamlets were randomly chosen by lottery out of a total of 33 tribal hamlets. Data collection was done by house-to-house visits scheduled by both individuals and families using a pre-tested structured interview. Statistical measures of central tendency, the standard normal test (Z), and the Chi-square test (2) were used to assess the data. A P-value of 0.05 or lower was regarded as statistically significant. Smith's Statistical Software, version 2.80, was used to conduct each test. Results: The study showed that, wi

Author Name
संदीप कुमार राजपूत
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 9
1857 के नवद्र ह की घटि़ा आधुनिक भ़ारर्ीय इनर्ह़ास के इनर्ह़ास में एक महत्वपूर्त युग है। इस मह़ाि नवद्र ह िे भ़ारर्ीय जीवि के नवनभन्न पहलुओं पर अभूर्पूवत प्रभ़ाव ड़ाल़ा। यह पेपर अवध क्षेत्र पर ध्य़ाि केंनद्रर् करके 1857 के नवद्र ह के प़ाररस्थिनर्क आय़ाम क़ा दस्त़ावेजीकरर् करिे क़ा प्रय़ास करऱ्ा है जह़ां नवद्र ह क़ा जीवंर् रूप मौजूद है। इस पेपर क़ा प्रस्त़ाव है नक 1857 के नवद्र ह िे स़ाम़ान्य रूप से भ़ारर् और नविेष रूप से अवध क्षेत्र में वि िीनर्य ं के उद्भव पर महत्वपूर्त प्रभ़ाव ड़ाल़ा। अवध क्षेत्र में अंग्रेज नवद्र ह क आस़ािी से िहीं र क सके क् ंनक नवद्र नहय ं िे जंगल ं और जंगली इल़ाक ं में िरर् ली थी। नवद्र ह क नियंनत्रर् करिे के ब़ाद, अंग्रेज ं िे नवद्र नहय ं क आश्रय प्रद़ाि करिे व़ाले जंगली और जंगली ि़ाि ं क हट़ािे क़ा निर्तय नलय़ा। यह पेपर प्रस्त़ानवर् करऱ्ा है नक इसी संदभत में अवध की वि िीनर्य़ां अस्थस्तत्व में आईं।

Author Name
Shamsul Arfin, Prakhar Dubey, Sachin Baraskar
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 9
Heat exchanger is a widely used for transfer of heat energy from one fluid to the other fluid. The heat is transferred in form of conduction and convection. Conduction occurs inside the material whereas convection occurs from materials to fluid and from fluid to fluid. The common application of the heat exchangers are like condenser, cooling tower, intercooler, refrigeration, and many other industrial applications. There are many types of heat exchangers wherein parallel and counter flow heat exchangers are extensively used in parallel flow heat exchanger hot and cold fluids are passes through the tubes in the same direction where as in counter flow heat exchanger both the fluids are passes in opposite direction to produce the desired effect. Baffles are sometimes used in heat exchanger to enhance heat transfer efficiency of heat exchangers. The concentric pipe heat exchanger is designed in present work in which different inlet velocities of fluid were taken and study is carried out fo

Author Name
Gunjan Kumar Mishra, Vasant Acharya
Year Of Publication
Volume and Issue
Volume 3 Issue 9
This paper presents a hybrid system comprise of Photovoltaic (PV), Battery, Super-capacitor (SC), Grid to meet isolated DC load demand. The PV is the primary energy source, whereas battery and SC both are considered for their different power density to supply transient and steady load respectively. in this paper for a grid-united PV system combined with hybrid storage of super-capacitor and battery. The combined battery and super-capacitor storage system grips the average and transient power changes, which provides a quick control for the DC link voltage, The current controller in the control module is replaced with P&O MPPT technique for maximum power extraction from the PV module. A comparative analysis is done with current control and MPPT control and the results are presented using MATLAB software.